Saturday, January 11, 2014

Made it to Sarajevo:

Well I have made it to Sarajevo. It took a little longer than expected but I wouldn't change the timing at all. The main reason that I say that is because of what I could see out of my window on the bus. While I was on the bus I was listening to some tracks that I like to listen to with my fiance and was looking at some of the pictures that I had taken over the course of the trip. Even though it was dark out something really caught my eye, and that was the way the moon just created enough light to show the silhouette of the mountains that surrounded us as we were making our way to Sarajevo. I don't think anyone but me noticed them since I had to really look for them at times, but nonetheless they were absolutely beautiful. I mean you could really get lost in the moment when you look at them. As we continued on our way basically following the road in which moved with the mountains, we stopped to get a little break and stretch when we decided to get a bite to eat. At first, we went into a gas station where there was just the minimal road food that you could get for a snack, but right next door, we were escorted by the gas station attendant to this small simple restaurant where you could get just about whatever you wanted and for a cheap price. Since I was and still am feeling a bit under the weather, I decided to play it safe and just get what they called noodle soup and some french fries. The noodle soup was very interesting because it was simply a whole lot of broth and these small maybe a cm long noodle at the bottom of the broth, but I am not complaining at all about it, it was just fine. Following dinner we all piled up in the bus to finish our trek to Sarajevo. While listing to my music, I was able to nod off for a while and get a little bit of a nap. And by the time I had woke up I saw that we were near the hotel. I have gotten checked into my room and am now getting ready for some much needed sleep so I can be ready for what the city of Sarajevo has in store for me over the next what I am going to assume to be a short three days which I haven't liked how fast this trip is going but nonetheless it is awesome and I am having a blast      

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