Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Berlin Day 2

Well it is day 2 for me in Berlin. I was able to get out and explore the city some today. I could not believe all of the events that are taking place not even 1/4 of a mile away from my hotel. I walked out of my hotel and I was met with the smells of bratwursts and french fries being cooked everywhere. As I walked around I came to what was a market. People were selling fresh produce and and meats, stands of clothing for sale flooded the area, and people happily lounging around even though it is not warm out. that was the thing that interested me the most. I mean this is one thing that is interesting to me that people don't really do in the U.S. all that much when it is cold. But the no one cared that it was cold, I mean yes they were wearing jackets, but it didn't bother them a bit. Tonight I plan to go out into the city to see what is going on for New Year's Eve. Today while I was walking around I could hear fireworks everywhere, so if that is any indication as to what is going to happen tonight then I cannot wait. Tomorrow starts the first day of my study abroad program with my group we meet up and start discussing the itinerary and on Thursday we begin.  

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Departure Day:

Today is my big day. I am beginning my travels to Berlin, Germany. I cannot wait to see what this program has in store for me. I decided to leave for Berlin a little earlier for the program than what was required. because of this, I will be able to spend New Years in Berlin. I am very excited to see what it will be like to celebrate an event like New Years with an entirely different culture.